published on in News Today

Freddie Highmore: people are stealing surgical masks & soap from The Good Doctor set

Freddie Highmore was a guest on Jimmy Kimmel, I think to promote the end of season three of The Good Doctor, which airs at the end of this month. He’s a fun interview, I last covered him in the fall when he joked about not knowing he was on a date and just assuming a friend had asked him to hang out. Freddie just turned 28 on Valentine’s Day, and the show threw him a big party driving around the lot complete with emergency vehicles from the show accompanying them for some reason. It was bizarre but he has some prankster friends. Freddie talked about the fact that people are stealing the surgical masks and antibacterial soap on set and that producers had to ask everyone to stop because they need them for filming.

The biggest concern at the moment is actually the Coronavirus. It’s affecting us in a different way. They called us all in to set and said ‘we know you’re all really worried about the Coronavirus, but you’ve got to stop taking the surgical masks from the set because we’re running out.’ The surgical masks have expired. They’re all out of date. Antibacterial soap they’ve been stealing. It’s a virus that’s completely useless.

[From Jimmy Kimmel Live via YouTube]

The CDC has said that surgical masks are not needed in people who don’t have the Coronavirus, but it seems like they would at least help you stop touching your face. Also soap works against viruses because of the mechanical aspects of cleaning your hands, not because it’s antibacterial. That doesn’t matter against a virus as Freddie mentioned. People are still panicked and taking supplies.

This reminds me that Meghan McCain shared a photo of some hand sanitizer on the set of The View with a note that stealing it wasn’t worth someone’s job. Would View producers really fire someone for stealing some hand sanitizer? I feel like they would.

Honestly I am sick right now with some unknown infection. We got flu shots a few weeks ago and my son still got the flu afterwards, he tested positive for it a while ago, so it’s probably not that. I am only coughing a little but am more achy and am trying to take it easy. I live in rural Virginia and my son came home with cold symptoms. One of his teachers has flu-like symptoms after a trip to a major city. That teacher tested negative for flu. There are no tests for Covid-19 available here and my son’s pediatrician said that there may be some available in Richmond on a case by case basis. How is it that so many other countries have tests available but they’re not in the US yet? That’s somewhat rhetorical, we know it’s tweedledee and tweedle pray-it-away’s fault. I saw on MSNBC that the CDC insisted on developing their own test and that’s why there’s such a delay in the US.

Here’s a link to US Magazine’s coverage of some major events which have been canceled due to the Coronavirus, including SXSW and many scheduled concerts.

Here’s Freddie’s interview:

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Embed from Getty Images
